If you have generated an income in Italy and you had to do the tax record, put FISM fiscal code in the box dedicated to 5×1000.
FISM FISCAL CODE 96039720063
Decide to donate your 5×1000 to FISM, it’s a way to help the Foundation to pursue the aim of scientific research in the field of myelodysplasia and for the taxpayer there isn’t any additional cost: it is a share of IRPEF ( tax on the incomes of natural person) that the taxpayer has to pay in any case but which can be allocated to a non-profit organization rather than to State.
To do this, sign the following box in your tax declaration form (CUD,730, UNICO natural person) and add FISM fiscal code.

With these two simple steps you can then decide to contribute personally to FISM activity:
- The signature in the box “Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale, delle associazioni di promozione sociale e delle associazioni e fondazioni riconosciute che operano nei settori di cui all’art. 10, c.1, lett. a del D.Lgs. n. 460 del 1997”
- Insert FISM fiscal code 96039720063
If you don’t have to show your tax record, you can still deliver the 5×1000 form in a sealed envelope to a post office,, a check-cashing place or an intermediary enabled for electronic data transmission.
5 × 1000 is not an alternative to 8 × 1000, as the latter is treated separately. Delivering 8×1000 is a choice that every taxpayer can continue to do regardless of the opportunity to allocate 5×1000.
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