Prof. Valeria Santini
Careggi Hospital-University of Florence
FISiM organizational chart
The President has the legal representation of the Foundation and is also the Chairman of the Steering Committee. It cares about relationships between institutions, institutions, public and private companies and other bodies, also in order to establish collaborative relationships and support for the Foundation’s individual initiatives.
The President is appointed by the Steering Committee, remains in charge for two years and ican be re-elected for several consecutive times.
Dr. Daniela Cilloni
AOU S. Luigi Gonzaga – Orbassano
The Vice Chairman is appointed by the Steering Committee, remains in charge for two years and can be re-elected for several consecutive times.
In the absence or impediment of the President, the Vice President replaces him/her for all intents and purposes.
Prof. Emanuele Angelucci
IRCCS San Martino IST – Genoa
The Secretary is appointed by the Steering Committee between the members of the Steering Committee itself, remains in charge for two years and can be re-elected for several consecutive terms.
He has the task of assisting President and Vice President.
Dr. Enrico Balleari
IRCCS San Martino IST – Genoa
The Treasurer is appointed by the Steering Committee between the members of the Steering Committee itself, remains in charge for two years and can be re-elected for several consecutive times.
FISM Registry Responsible has the task of supervising the operation of the registry and promoting its use.
- Valeria Santini – President
- Daniela Cilloni – Vice President
- Emanuele Angelucci – Segcretary
- Enrico Balleari – Treasurer and FISM Registry Responsible
- Marino Clavio
- Paolo Danise
- Dario Ferrero
- Carlo Finelli
- Mauro Mezzabotta
- Pellegrino Musto
- Anna Maria Pelizzari
- Antonella Poloni
- Alessandra Ricco
- Renato Zambello
- Gina Zini
The members of the Steering Committee remain in charge for two years and may be reappointed. They are elected according to what the Founding members Assembly has established every two years at the time of appointment.
Steering Committee tasks:
- To elect President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer;
- To establish the Foundation’s development lines and future plans by defining its priorities;
- To define the number and appoint the responsibles of any Scientific Commissions;
- To finally approve the proposals or study projects and / or research projects discussed, evaluating the scientificity, effectiveness and compatibility with the Foundation’s financial resources
The Shareholders’ Meeting is the body to which is reserved the deliberation of acts essential for the life of the Foundation and for the achievement of its aims.
- It determines the number of members of the Steering Committee and provides for their election every two years
- It appoints the auditor
- It approves the estimated budget and the balance sheet
- It gives opinions whenever requested by the Steering Committee
- It decides on statutory changes
FISiM Administrative Office is responsible for coordinating all activities promoted by the Foundation on the basis of the guidelines received by the Steering Committee and the President.